Ageing Feminists
Feminist Atlantic waxes conservative.
The Atlantic has a love-hate relationship with men’s economic contributions. The magazine alternates between gloating that feminism has destroyed men’s economic status once and for all, and worrying that men… read more
How long does IVF allow a woman to delay having children?
The New Scientist has a new article up titled: When should you get pregnant? Computer knows age to start trying. Happy with just one? The model recommends you get started… read more
She’s been groomed her whole life for this con.
On Saturday the New York Times warned of the problem of elderly women being conned on dating sites in Swindlers Target Older Women on Dating Websites. They lead with a… read more
Too busy planning for retirement to find a husband.
She may have waited a bit too long… Edit: The youtube version of the commercial seems to be gone, but you can still see the add on ispot. read more
Rules of the road for fornication.
Fly Fresh and Young (FFY) has a post where he ponders the morality of being a player, titled Are women “collateral damage”? (H/T In Bona Fida): Look, I love women…. read more
Mark Driscoll’s feminist foolishness posing as Christian wisdom.
Several readers have asked that I share my perspective on Pastor Mark Driscoll’s recent Washington Post piece Why men need marriage. Driscoll opens his contribution to the man up and… read more
The endless courtship fantasy.
Commenter Desiderius pointed out a very common movie theme in the comments to my post Do women want to get married: If I’m the only one seeing this phenomenon, why… read more
Do women want to get married?
Several of the commenters in the discussion on my post All the lonely feminist spinsters challenged my assertion that women want to get married. Krakonos accused me of being old… read more
All the lonely feminist spinsters
I’ve lost count of the number of commenters who referenced the new Atlantic piece by aging feminist Kate Bolick titled All the single ladies. Once I clicked on it and… read more
Why won’t these Peter Pan manboys man up and marry aging flighty selfish career gal sluts already?
The funny thing about conservatives is most have no idea they are raving feminists. Part of the problem is that social conservatism is much like a sea anchor. They exert… read more
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