Ageing Feminists
SMP searching costs and the unmourned death of courtship.
That’s why guys get married, so they can stop wooing. It’s exhausting to woo, you woo, you woo, and you woo, and then you’ve got to go: Whoa! –Paul Reiser,… read more
Charts on delayed motherhood
As so often happens the discussion in the comments section to a recent post turned to the issue of delayed marriage & motherhood*. In this specific case we were discussing… read more
Her husband is annoying
Terri has a great new post up titled Your Wife Needs To Read This Blog. In it she points out how the media is hyping a new website named My… read more
Dragging your kids throught the meat grinder; practice makes perfect!
Captain Capitalism has a new post titled The Arrogance of Divorcées about a woman named Cherie Bowser who is offering advice on the best way to drag your innocent kids… read more
Boring loyal dudes
I will work harder! –Boxer, Animal Farm The breathless Daily Mail headline asks: The 40-year itch: Divorce is falling in every age group except the over-60s – so why ARE… read more
Trapped working like a man!
Dr Helen has a new post out titled “Burnt-out” or just working like a man? The evil patriarchy knows no bounds. They have women trapped in yet another way! Funny,… read more
Corollary to Dalrock’s Law; The Law of Rationalization Hamster Strength.
Reading Ms. Berry’s descriptive essay on Salon has moved Captain Capitalism to wax romantic. Coming soon to a bookstore near you: “I looked at her…my beautiful economics professor. Oh sure,… read more
Lorraine Berry update.
Given the complaints I received after ambushing my readers the last time with pictures of the delightful Ms. Berry, I feel compelled to offer fair warning that there is another… read more
The problem that has no name.
Given the history of the last 50 years, it is funny to see the specific philosophical underpinning of modern feminism. From Wikipedia: For her 15th college reunion in 1957, Friedan… read more
Betty Friedan on domestic violence.
If you can’t quite place the name, Betty Friedan is credited with launching the second wave of feminism with her 1963 book The Feminine Mystique. She was a co-founder of… read more
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