Aging Feminists
Texas U.S. Senate candidate is proud to have been raised by one of Stanton’s heroes!
I was in the car this afternoon and heard an ad for US Senate Candidate Tom Leppert. What struck me was this part: Raised by a single mom and self-made… read more
Why have misandry delivered when you can bake it at home?
Misandry in commercials is standard fare, but every now and then a commercial manages to catch my attention. I always mute commercials and as a result the visual impact of… read more
The weakened signal
Paul Murray recently made a comment which fits with a theory of mine on how men and women decide when to get married: PA is reading the situation at work… read more
The College Boyfriend
The more I think about the way women approach the question of sexual morality and women’s sexual history, the more I’m convinced that women strongly tend to boil all of… read more
The one that got away.
My wife has been suggesting that I write a post on Katy Perry’s song/video: In the video we see an elderly Katy Perry who still mopes around pining for a… read more
She doesn’t need a man!
As regular readers already know, the Daily Mail is a tabloid paper in the UK targeted largely to women. They have a specific subsection for women called the Femail. Feminists… read more
Committed to the trail
No room to turn around Anyone who has ever done any off-roading knows the danger of inadvertently becoming committed to a trail. If you aren’t careful you can become too… read more
Eat, Pray, Cats
There are two competing narratives when it comes to women divorcing. The first is the feminist narrative: I don’t need a man! or A woman needs a man like a… read more
Playing career woman
When Atlas set down the apples and took the heavens upon his shoulders again, Heracles took the apples and ran away. Atlas’ encounter with Heracles Commenter Escoffier asked an excellent… read more
87 first dates.
Susan Walsh of Hooking Up Smart took a high volume of aimed fire in the comments section of my post All the lonely feminist spinsters. I’m still working on my take… read more
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