Aging Feminists
Complaints of breadwinning wives.
Doomed Harlot made the following comment in the discussion around The child support catastrophe: Men benefit more from marriage than women, especially in more patriarchal societies. It is much easier… read more
Affirmative action brigade meets a real life riot
Our favorite paper the Daily Mail has an article out filled with pictures of the disturbing riots which are occurring in the UK. One thing which really struck me was… read more
$46k a month child support
18 years, 18 years She got one of your kids got you for 18 years I know somebody paying child support for one of his kids His baby mamma’s car… read more
Two lists every woman should make before frivolously divorcing
This will be a short post, but may well be the most important thing you take away from my blog. Every woman considering divorce without serious cause should make up… read more
The plankton generation
Oz Conservative has an excellent post up titled Struggling in a wilderness: Who is the Plankton? She is a woman pushing 50 who decided to divorce her husband a few… read more
Why men date younger women
At long last, match.com solves the mystery of why men date younger women. 8 men reveal: “Why I date younger women”: Ever feel like all the men your age are… read more
Trapped in a not unhappy marriage!
A new spectre is haunting marriage. Just when you thought you understood all of the diabolical ways women could be trapped in marriage, we learn of the most insidious trap… read more
The truth vs the hype: UK divorce rate data by age per 1,000 married women
I’m pretty well done with this topic, at least for now. However I did find the data I was looking for in the UK in my previous post on how… read more
Divorcing under the influence
As I pointed out in my last post, there doesn’t seem to be isn’t a rash of late life divorce in either the US or the UK. This however doesn’t… read more
How common is late life divorce?
My last post painted a pretty bleak picture. As Greyghost put it: Well Dalrock for a guy that is blogging for marriage you sure have a knack for finding reasons… read more
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