Aging Feminists
Trapped in motherhood
Commenter udolipixie was troubled by my post Trapped in adulthood: …she’s just an immature complainer. I’m not sure how her character is related to “So here you have it. The… read more
Divorcée Retirement
Click to see If you are a regular reader of this blog you already know that our culture is obsessed with selling divorce to women. Of course, those selling divorce… read more
A Detailed Description of Divorce Fantasy
If you didn’t read this blog it would be easy to have the impression that divorcées have the midas touch, and everything falls in their favor. Given how prevalent this… read more
Should I Divorce Him?
I run across the strangest sites when searching the web for stats, like: Should I Divorce Him? This lovely site is a place for women who want to thoughtfully discuss… read more
More proof feminism has jumped the shark
H/T Paul Elam by way of The Private Man: We are living through one of history’s great transitions – a major shift in social and cultural consciousness where institutions and… read more
Are the vast majority of women truly incapable of experiencing reciprocal love and attraction?
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore –Vincent van Gogh Hana makes the… read more
Lay down your arms.
Brendan made an excellent point in the comments section of my Trapped in adulthood post: The process of female reliance on peer group support and guidance will not be checked… read more
Trapped in adulthood.
My wife and I were talking about “being true to yourself” yesterday when she made the point that for women this always somehow meant not fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities… read more
Men have biographies, women have grandchildren.
This is PA’s maxim, which he shared over at Gucci Little Piggy. He shared this following whorefinder’s comment: Despite all their fronts, women have naturally low opinions of themselves. Perhaps… read more
Women with plenty of time to think about how men should treat them.
I wrote this as a comment on the good Captain’s site, but since it is stuck in moderation I thought I would share it here as well. In the Captain’s… read more
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