Aging Feminists
Last one down the aisle wins part 2: The data.
In part 1 of this series I promised to go through the statistic shared in this book in a later post. The key statistic used to justify the arguments in… read more
Misery and vice.
Thomas Robert Malthus is arguably the most misunderstood economist/philosopher of all time. His name today is synonymous with the antithesis of the point he was actually making; Malthus was not… read more
Supply and demand in the marriage market.
My last post Starting young featured a five year old girl who was already practicing saying no to prospective suiters. As Elusive Wapiti pointed out, it is fairly evident that… read more
You can’t make this stuff up.
Selling divorce? Check. Eat Pray Love nonsense? Check. Female Martyrdom? Check. Aging Post Marital Spinster? Check. Ex husband who ended up better off? Check. Photos fit for a geriatric performance… read more
Raising Feral Females.
I was talking with a good friend of mine roughly a year ago about what I had been reading in the manosphere. At the time I hadn’t started blogging yet… read more
This is what a mangina looks like.
On my last post regarding Lara Logan, commenter Danman left a link to an article from Mediaite.com which argued (but did not present any evidence) that the blogger I linked… read more
Dying to be treated like one of the guys.
Feminist blogger Gooseberry Bush writes in her post G.I. Jane (emphasis mine): There’s absolutely no reason why women can’t be drafted and no reason why they can’t serve in the… read more
Dalrock: The web’s number one source for information on the EPL slut!
One of the amusing parts about blogging is seeing what search terms people use to find your site. The other day one in particular caught my eye: eat pray love… read more
Stats on the reasons for divorce.
One old saw when the topic of frivolous divorce comes up is you never really know what is happening in someone else’s marriage. The premise being that even those apparently… read more
What we need is more moxie!
I took my daughter to fast food a few weeks back for lunch and to let her play in their play area. She had a blast in the play area,… read more
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