Aging Feminists
A proper dressing down for unchivalrous men.
Somewhere in the world a woman is upset! What are you as lazy men doing to fix this? Sorry for being so harsh, but you men need to hear this. … read more
Not Glad Tidings for Post Marital Spinsters.
The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University has crunched the numbers on the latest remarriage stats: Men are more likely to remarry than women,… read more
Mistaking fecklessness for wisdom
Commenter Arual recently pointed out this bit of airy feminine wisdom: Some People Can Stay In Your Heart But Not In Your Life As she spoke, the sadness was audible… read more
More grim news for carousellers hoping to jump at the last minute.
Ever since my post in June Never marrieds piling up I’ve been curious what the data would look like for 2012. The US Census has the data posted, and I’ve updated… read more
The normalization of the trashy single mother.
With the exception of widows, single mothers have traditionally faced strong social stigma. Feminists have made removing this stigma a priority as it is essential in order to free women… read more
Debasing marriage
If you’ve ever looked at pictures of ancient coins you may have noticed that they are typically not very round. One method of debasing ancient coins was to shave off… read more
Which sex is driving delayed marriage in the US?
One of the questions that comes up when we look at lower marriage rates as well as delayed age of marriage is which sex is driving the change. Compounding the… read more
She’s the victim
Commenter Feminist Hater posted a link to a recent Daily Mail article: Half of women delay starting a family because they don’t want to give up their freedom. What struck… read more
Losing control of the narrative.
One of the biggest misconceptions in the manosphere is that women aren’t interested in marrying anymore. It is an understandable misconception, because the actions of today’s young women send a… read more
Men no longer footing the bill to court older women.
There are many ways the feminist dream can turn into a nightmare. Most of them involve flawed assumptions that men won’t ever adjust to women changing the rules. The Telegraph… read more
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