Amelia Earhart
How can men help girls see her and be her?
Back in June of 2016 The Association of National Advertisers and its Alliance for Family Entertainment launched an initiative titled #SeeHer, to boost girls’ self esteem by making sure women are portrayed… read more
She’s number one!
As I have noted previously, feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems…. read more
What started out as a seemingly harmless fiction was merely the early stages of an all out jihad against manly pride. Eighty-eight years after we pretended that Earhart was like… read more
It would be petty to point out how petty it is.
Commenter PM observed that the feminist fiction spun around Amelia Earhart seems harmless enough: Men are still doing most of jobs that keep civilization going. I don’t see that changing…. read more
The race to be first.
This is the story of the brave men who were inspired by Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 transatlantic flight to attempt one of aviation’s greatest triumphs. In 1919 Alcock and Brown were… read more
A coat and a hairstyle.
Elizabeth Holmes is part of a storied tradition of feminist pioneers who were willing to do what it takes to be like trailblazing men. Holmes of course has patterned herself… read more
Confusing make-believe with reality; why feminists obsess over Barbie.
The feminist obsession with Barbie dolls seems odd at first glance. Whether it is their compulsion to create ugly feminist Barbie or Computer Engineer Barbie, we see a great deal of focus on… read more
The Long March of Envy.
Italian Paratrooper from the Folgore Brigade While the official claim is that integrating women into combat roles is to provide the largest possible pool of capable forces to draw from,… read more
Too pretty to do homework!
We live in a strange time. Female entitlement is rampant as a result of feminism, yet sometimes the female entitlement message runs afoul of feminists. JCPenney™ recently pulled the this… read more
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