Do it for the validation.
From the ironically titled site For your marriage, comes a pitch to use the annulment process to validate your decision to divorce even if you don’t plan on remarrying: I… read more
Sentence first; verdict afterwards.
SkylerWurden scoffed at my assertion that the 70 fold increase in RCC annulments in the US after the 1960s* represents a important shift in RCC thinking on the permanence of… read more
Drowning in a sea of smugness.
In response to Women hardest hit commenter Micha Elyi smugly explained that the RCC’s hard line on divorce puts Protestants to shame: Kind’a makes you think that King Henry VIII and… read more
She’s done it all wrong. Why hasn’t God delivered the husband she is praying for?
MarcusD pointed out a thread on CAF where a 34 year old divorcée and alpha widow is troubled that God hasn’t answered her prayers for a new husband she can… read more
What, Me Worry?
As I mentioned yesterday Darwin Catholic (DC or Mr. Darwin for brevity moving forward) has a post up titled How To Marry a Nice Girl in response to my post… read more
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