Ban Bossy
Raising her right
Football is clearly one of the main areas of focus in feminist mopping up activities. It was one of the final socially acceptable male spaces, so it is only natural… read more
Nasty Gal’s nasty woman problem.
In Hillary’s nasty woman brigade I quoted from an opinion piece in Business Insider about ugly feminists embracing the term “nasty woman”. Since Trump made that statement, women around the… read more
Hillary’s nasty woman brigade.
Trump struck a cord in the final debate last week when he called Hillary a “nasty woman”. Business Insider’s Linette Lopez is convinced that ordinary women will rush to self… read more
The hum of the pumps.
One thing to always remember is that feminism requires constant effort just to avoid moving backward. We aren’t in a steady state regarding feminism, and despite the myth of progress… read more
The sound of a rebellious woman
She was loud and rebellious, Her feet would not stay at home. — Proverbs 7:11 NKJV Some time back DeNihilist linked to a blog post titled: 21 Signs You’re A… read more
Embarking on a lifetime of ugly feminism
Disney’s Babble is big on teaching girls to be bossy. In March of last year they jumped on the “ban bossy” bandwagon with Let’s all join Beyonce and Jennifer Garner… read more
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