Beautiful truth
Feminist self loathing
Feminists have long struggled to define their driving sense of discontentment. Understanding this sense of discontentment is critical to understanding feminism itself. If you don’t know what feminists are devoting… read more
What is closeness?
Much of the objection to my last post stems from a misunderstanding of what constitutes closeness between a husband and wife. What closeness is Cane’s description of the laugh he… read more
How much should a husband share with his wife?
New commenter ayatollah1988 asked how much a husband should turn to his wife for emotional support: Dalrock, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this. I’ve heard it talked… read more
What a setup looks like.
Pancakeloach describes how she met her husband in a comment at Courtship Pledge: I needed a ride to the [church singles] retreat, an acquaintance of mine had an older brother… read more
Countercultural, natural, and beautiful.
Mychael at Courtship Pledge describes a powerful lesson for her and her husband Scott’s daughter: Last night, I decided to put on one of Scott’s favorite skirts and a nice… read more
Frigidity is ugly.
Commenter Jen reminds us that miserliness isn’t the only option for a wife: Honestly, if a woman loves her husband, even if she’s NOT in the mood, she’ll be more… read more
Headship Game.
With our recent discussion on the appropriate use of Game for Christian men, I thought it would be helpful to offer some detail on how this can be done. I’ve… read more
What if a wife doesn’t regulate the couple’s sex life?
In the discussion of the last post Spacetraveller asks: Is there never a ‘saturation point’ where …um…marital relations are concerned? Whilst I totally ‘get’ that a man has earned the… read more
A Tale of Two Beaches
Beach #1 Mrs. Yes makes it a point to be warm and inviting whenever her husband storms her beach. He is always welcomed with a kiss and a lei. Beach… read more
If I could invite any woman who questions the power of submission to live in my shoes for one week, she would never question it again. She too would stand… read more
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