

  • A beer fit for an ugly feminist*

    A beer fit for an ugly feminist*


    Ad Age explains that Budweiser has reworked old ads to make them more empowering for women: The campaign, released today in conjunction with International Women’s Day, features full-page color ads… read more

  • It could be no other way.


    Sam Adams has a commercial with beer drinkers training for a contest to see who can hold a stein full of beer at arm’s length the longest. Beer commercials have… read more

  • She’s number one!


    As I have noted previously, feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems…. read more

  • Unquenchable


    What started out as a seemingly harmless fiction was merely the early stages of an all out jihad against manly pride. Eighty-eight years after we pretended that Earhart was like… read more