Bnonn, Pastor Foster, and the power of women.
Reader 7817 shared what I believe to be a newsletter from Bnonn and Pastor Foster. Whoever is the author, they mistakenly claim that women are powerless to create patriarchy (emphasis… read more
What is the blue pill?
Blogger Bnonn recently took a catty swipe at this blog and the larger Christian men’s sphere in a sixteen part tweet. 1/16 There are lots of folks calling themselves red… read more
And Now a Brief Word for the White Supremacists
Bnonn writes in his most recent post: Moreover, unlike Dalrock, I see exactly the analogy Doug draws from runaway slaves (Dt. 23:15), and I agree that its general equity applies… read more
Pastor Wilson doubles down.
Back in July Pastor Doug Wilson published a post titled: On a Wife Deciding to Leave Her Husband. In this post Wilson referred to 1 Cor 7:10 (NIV): 10 To the married… read more
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