Should You Get Super Cut For The Summer?
Summer is rapidly approaching, which means that we’re going to all be wearing progressively lighter and more revealing clothing—which can of course be a blessing or a curse for your… read more
9 Methods To Heal A Damaged Back And Keep It Strong
Believe it or not, it is due to a back injury that I discovered Return Of Kings. Being bedridden and with some time on my hands, I was looking up… read more
3 Quick Body Language Fixes That Will Make You Appear More Alpha
When it comes to being alpha, everyone loves to focus on the verbals—what to say, how to say it, and the perfect responses to common quips and tests. But often… read more
3 Awesome Bodyweight Exercises For Men Who Do Martial Arts
Many martial artists, whether currently practising or former practitioners, seek effective exercises that they can do to improve explosiveness, kinetic chain recruitment, mind-muscle connection, or dynamic flexibility and mobility. After… read more
5 Exercises You Can Do With Medicine Balls
“Medicine balls?! Haw Haw!” you’re probably cackling to yourself. “Why not do an article on Indian Clubs or those electro-shock penis stimulators from the Victorian era, Grandpa?!” First of all,… read more
How To Work Out While Traveling
Traveling is a blast. Seeing faraway lands, making memories, going on adventures and experiencing brand new things. It’s something we could all use some more of. But a common question that comes… read more
7 Ways I’ve Maintained My Testosterone Levels At The Upper 98th Percentile
The last time I went into the doctor for a full physical, they did a hormone test as a matter of routine. 98% of men my age has lower testosterone… read more
5 Variations Of The Classic Deadlift
We all love the deadlift, don’t we? Of course we do, the venerable “king of exercises” and all that. I have always said that you can tell something is worthwhile… read more
3 Things You Need To Do To Avoid Aging Into An Old Prune
The following article is sponsored by Wadi Men’s Care. You may not know this, but your skin is the largest organ in your body. Your skin protects your other organs… read more
5 Supplements That Will Boost Your Focus And Mental Energy
The following article is sponsored by Synapse Supplements. As a man, you need to stay energized throughout the day in order to perform your best. Whether you’re in the office,… read more
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