17 Ugly Women Who Became Stunningly Beautiful
While David G Brown’s recent article is pretty eye opening, it’s a little pessimistic. We need to temper all the bad that happens in this world (like beautiful women becoming ugly)… read more
Bodybuilding Hell Week: Work Out The Same Muscle Every Single Day
Please keep an open mind to what you’re about to read here. I work out in all different styles and throughout the years, I’ve experimented with a lot in the… read more
10 Ways That Modern Society Lowers Your Testosterone Levels
It is no surprise that the current world agenda seeks to destroy men from within but also from the outside at the same time. Only by attacking from all angles… read more
What It Was Like Weighing 350 Pounds
It’s a no brainer that being obese versus being physically fit and attractive is a no-contest comparison. Speaking from experience on both sides, it’s one thing to hear it and… read more
4 Signs Your Martial Arts School Sucks
So, you want to learn martial arts: nice choice! It’s a great pastime, not only because it gives you the ability to fight, but also for reasons of fitness, confidence,… read more
5 Tips To Develop A Killer Mindset For Your Gym Workouts
As an avid gym enthusiast and observer of human nature I can’t help but see that most people are not putting in their full effort at the gym. It’s hard… read more
How To Do The Human Flag
The human flag is likely an exercise that you have seen in some pop culture creation, but can scarcely believe is an exercise that people actually do. Considering that the… read more
Stop Going To Corporate Gyms And Do A Bodyweight Circuit Training Program Instead
A few years ago, in the wake of a break-up that left me terribly depressed, I decided to set a tough goal for myself and work toward it as a… read more
The Incredible Health Benefits Of Turmeric
After struggling for five years, Dieneke Ferguson is now cured of cancer and living a normal life all thanks to turmeric. Her cancer continued to spread after several rounds of… read more
4 Common Mistakes Men Make That Lower Their Testosterone
Testosterone is paramount for a healthy male life. It influences your mood, muscle development, and even your sex life. It’s the quintessence of masculinity, essentially. Which is why it’s your job… read more
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