2 Masculine Autobiographies That Are Often Overlooked
There are great lessons to be learned in the biographies of prolific men. Contemporary masculine biographies are somewhat rare considering the massive pussifcation that’s taking place. Luckily, the manosphere provides… read more
4 Books That Help You Make Sense Of The Decline Of Western Civilization
The West is dying. And there have been many warning signs, rational literature, and wise men who saw the impending cancer before it took on its full form. To help… read more
What I Learned From Honoré de Balzac’s Novel “La Peau De Chagrin”
I recently read, for the first time, the great novel “La Peau de chagrin” (The Skin of Sorrow or The Wild Ass’s Skin) by Honoré de Balzac. Balzac is considered… read more
3 Must-Read Books For Men In Their Late Twenties
27 is a big year for men. 28, even bigger. For men around or approaching this age, there are three books I recommend: Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart, Death of… read more
The Pros And Cons Of Julius Evola’s “Revolt Against The Modern World”
I recently decided to get my hands on Revolt Against The Modern World, by Italian Traditionalist Julius Evola. Intrigued by the title, I thought it might provide some kind of… read more
Sentimentality Is Killing The West
To say that Return Of Kings encourages sentimentality toward women would be beyond ludicrous. However, Theodore Dalrymple’s book Spoilt Rotten: The Toxic Cult of Sentimentality reveals ways in which much… read more
9 Important Lessons From A Clockwork Orange
It’s a tough competition for which classic novel (or film) best predicted a future which maps closest to our own. Was it 1984, with governments inventing endless fake wars and… read more
4 Most Overrated Fiction Books In Modern American Literature
Literature was once serious art, but things just aren’t what they used to be. Part of that is because of the tastes of today’s readers, but the moribund literary establishment… read more
8 Important Lessons From The Classic Novel Lolita
It’s easier to find advice for what not to do than what to do. This is true in general, but is overwhelmingly true of one of the greatest cautionary tales… read more
7 Influential Books About Power Published After The 19th Century
Last week, I discussed several books from antique and modern times about power. For power is a whole aspect of life, something that impregnates our choices, our actions, our judgments,… read more
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