Sons & Lovers
Sons & Lovers is the story of the Morel family set in early 20th century England, during a time when seemingly every child was born “frail.” The father is a… read more
Magellan’s Terrifying Circumnavigation Of The Globe
This book tells the story of Magellan, the first man to attempt circumnavigation of the world in search of an alternate route to the Spice Islands. It’s a testament to… read more
A Hero Of Our Time
In this novel we are presented with a Byronic character named Pechorin, a Russian military officer. We learn about him through a narrator and also excerpted diaries that he abandoned… read more
A Study In Scarlet
I don’t know how I made it to 34 years of age without reading a Sherlock Holmes book. I started with the first one, A Study In Scarlet. I was… read more
Surely You’re Illustrated, Mr. Feynman
This is an illustrated book of anecdotes from the life of American scientist Richard Feynman, whose book Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman, along with Walden, influenced me in my mid… read more
24 Pieces Of Wisdom From Lao Tzu
My re-entry into Eastern philosophy has put Lao Tzu’s seminal work in my hand. It’s an introduction to Tao, a metaphysical Chinese philosophy. Here are my favorite quotes: 1. “To… read more
Cyropaedia: The Education Of Cyrus
Cyropaedia is a biography of Cyrus The Great, written by Xenophon, the Greek writer and soldier of fortune who also wrote Anabasis. Cyrus The Great united the Persian empire and… read more
The Long Ships
The Long Ships is a novel that chronicles the lives of several Vikings as they pillaged their way across Europe. It is the Scandinavian Odyssey. Scandinavians used to have a… read more
From Dictatorship To Democracy
This book offers a regressive analysis of how dictatorships have collapsed, giving a general blueprint for how to bring one down and transform it into a democracy. The key word… read more
Flowers For Algernon
In this book, a retarded man enlists in an experimental program to make him smarter after trials were successfully done on rats. The story is told in the first person… read more
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