Enjoy The American Decline
Very few men are connecting the dots of politics, feminism, and economics, but there is one who is making a writer’s living out of it: Captain Capitalism. His new book,… read more
How To Make A Great Company
Good To Great uses extensive research to describe what takes a mediocre company into greatness, with chapters focusing on leadership, team assembly, company culture, identifying core value, and breaking through… read more
Porfirio Rubirosa: The Last Playboy
The Last Playboy is a biography of Porfirio Rubirosa, son of a Dominican general and arguably the most celebrated playboy to have ever lived. In his youth he gradually built… read more
The Landmark Thucydides
The Landmark Thucydides is a modern translation of the History Of The Peloponnesian War, written in the fifth century BCE to document the war between Athens and Sparta. This is… read more
25 Great Quotes From German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer
You may have first been exposed to German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer with his essay On Women, which I reviewed a year ago. It was originally found in his Studies In… read more
Notes From The Underground
This is a depressing book that basically says “life sucks.” It describes how all humans are limited by a “wall” that places torturous constraints on existence. For example, a mere… read more
16 Things I Learned From Mark Twain
What Is Man? is a powerful book written by Mark Twain that was sent to me by the heavens at the exact time I needed it. It advised me to… read more
14 Things I Learned From The Wealth Of Nations
The original book seemed a little too unwieldy for me so I read the cliff notes over at Grade Saver. Here is what I learned… 1. The division of labor… read more
General Robert E. Lee: American Hero Or Slavery Apologist?
The above book is arguably the most thorough biography written of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Even though it’s the abridged edition, it still clocks in at 650 pages. Lee… read more
The Ascent Of Money
The Ascent Of Money by Niall Ferguson is an introduction to modern finance and the rise of money lending, presenting a favorable view of their effects upon the world. …financial… read more
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