5 Ground-Breaking Books Written Between 1918 And 1945
Old books range from mildly interesting to immensely inspiring. A book written decades ago—or even more—by someone with an actual concern shows how people then perceived or thought things. It… read more
10 Books That Changed My Life
What is game and why do modern men have to use it? In this podcast I explain the societal and environmental changes that have made game a requirement for men… read more
11 Best Quotes From Donald Trump’s “Art Of The Deal”
The Art Of The Deal is an autobiographical memoir written in 1987 that explains Donald Trump’s rise in real estate. It gives you a broad overview of how real estate… read more
How “The Camp Of The Saints” Predicted The Migrant Destruction Of Europe
Written in 1973, The Camp Of The Saints is a novel by Jean Raspail that predicted the European migrant crisis forty years before it began, not only the actual invasion… read more
“Memoirs Of A Misogynist” Is A Brutal And Entertaining Look At Our Sexual Dystopia
The following post was sponsored by Chad Cocker and written by Matt Forney Everyone says that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but that’s really difficult when the cover… read more
The Wisdom Books Of The Old Testament
The most interesting books of the Bible for those who aren’t believers in God are the wisdom books of Job and Ecclesiastes. Written from a philosophical point of view, they attempt… read more
Why Free Speech Isn’t Free
Free Speech Isn’t Free by Roosh is the firsthand account of a live education in what freedom of speech precisely entails, how to safeguard it, and where the threats to… read more
Who Are The Knights Templars & Freemasons?
The first book I read after the meetup outrage in February 2016 was Sworn In Secret, which detailed how the Knights Templar and Freemasons operated through secret societies. Since the… read more
Ambrose Bierce: An Influential And Underappreciated American Writer
Before Stephen King, H.L. Mencken, and H.P. Lovecraft, there was Ambrose Bierce. He was without doubt one of the strangest figures in American literary history. His work straddled several genres,… read more
How Cicero’s “On Duties” Can Help Your Decision-Making Skills
Someone once said that our lives are the sum totals of the decisions we make. If this is true, and I think it is, then the next logical step for… read more
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