The Principal Tenets Of Stoicism By Seneca
Seneca was a Roman highborn who studied law before launching a successful career as a statesman. He escaped execution twice by order of Roman emperors, but did have to endure… read more
How Female-Dominated Publishing Houses Are Censoring Male Authors
We live and die by words. The lives of men and empires are shaped and bound by stories. There is a mysterious power in this. Perhaps one of the greatest… read more
The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture
In the past couple of years I began to wonder about the fact that Jews are firmly in the middle of leftist movements centered around socialism, communism, and feminism. The Culture… read more
Top Highlights From H.L. Mencken’s Writing Career
This massive book was compiled by H.L. Mencken himself in his twilight days to highlight the best writing of his career. It’s neatly organized by category, making it easy to jump… read more
5 Of The Best Horror Short Stories By Stephen King
Stephen King is one of the greatest writers of his generation—not necessarily because of his scintillating prose, but because of his masterful ability to tell a story. While he is… read more
An Introduction To Stoicism With The Enchiridion By Epictetus
One of the main philosophers of Stoic philosophy was Epictetus, a Greek man born in Roman slavery around 55 AD. He eventually won his freedom in Rome and was able… read more
Pantheon: Adventures In History, Biography, And The Mind
Last week, I released a new book entitled Pantheon: Adventures In History, Biography, And The Mind. Here I hope to explain what the book is about, and what things readers… read more
The Wisdom Of Mao Tse Tung
On Guerrilla Warfare is a collection of essays, speeches, and communiques by Mao Tse Tung, who ushered in communism in China after decades of fighting as a heavy underdog starting… read more
Songs Against Sex: Collette’s Dream Man By Andy Nowicki
NOTE: Andy Nowicki is a personal friend of mine, and this article represents my personal opinions on the merit of his work. Western society is drenched in sex. Creepy “sex educators” teach prepubescent… read more
Dostoyevsky And The Narcissistic Roots Of Insecurity
Exordium In the world of game, we talk a lot about “confidence.” Confidence is probably the most important trait to have when trying to attract women (except for, perhaps, six… read more
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