30 Lessons For Living
After slogging through some old texts recently, I craved something more practical that focused on living well. This book did not disappoint, offering the wisdom of senior citizens who share… read more
Aristotle’s The Nicomachean Ethics
I recently attempted to tackle The Nicomachean Ethics, one of Aristotle’s most important works. In tough language it describes happiness, virtue, justice, reasoning, and living. The beginning of the book… read more
The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
I bought this book to get an overview of the historical progression of Ancient Greek philosophy. It walked me through dozens of the more notable men who lived during that… read more
23 Things I Learned From The Book “Rules For Radicals”
Written after the Vietnam War during peak rage against the establishment, Rules For Radicals has served as one of the manuals for liberals in achieving power, culminating in Obama’s presidency…. read more
A Layman’s Guide To Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity
The first book I encountered after deciding I wanted to learn Einstein’s theory of relativity was Bertrand Russell’s ABC of Relativity, a supposedly layman introduction to the concept. I must… read more
An Introduction To The French Revolution
After helping America in its Revolutionary War, France was in dire economic straits. The price of bread was rising and protests were were becoming more common. The anger focused upon… read more
The Most Successful Businessman Of America
Titan is the biography of John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil, a company that played the largest role in establishing the oil sector in the United States using both… read more
The Education Of Alciabides By Socrates
Socrates, a man who needs no introduction, was a teacher of Alciabides, a fellow Athenian born of stock and raised under the care of Pericles, an accomplished politician and general…. read more
When Galileo Pointed A Telescope To The Sky
Galileo got his hands on one of the first telescopes and decided to point it at the sky. Amazed at what he was seeing, he wrote this short book to… read more
Should The Traditional Hunter-Gatherer Lifestyle Serve As A Model For Modern Living?
Jared Diamond, author of Guns, Germs, and Steel and Collapse, has written a book about traditional societies, specifically ones that were discovered and studied by scientists. He describes their traditional… read more
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