The Fascinating Story Of The Banana Man
This is the intriguing tale of Sam Zemurray, a Russian immigrant who built one of the largest banana empires in the late 19th century, accumulating enough power to control the… read more
A Short History Of Nearly Everything
i This book is a layman introduction to the natural sciences. It describes the origins of the universe and life through the fields of geology, astronomy, paleontology, chemistry, physics, and… read more
The Razor’s Edge, Sufi Wisdom, And The Lord Of The Flies
The following is a compilation of three brief book reviews. The Razor’s Edge The Razor’s Edge is a Great Gatsy-esque story of high society characters and their path in life… read more
The Frenchman Who Took A Stand Against Socialism
This book warns against the dangers of socialism and how its hijacking of a nation’s laws will erode the liberties of citizens. It was written by French politician Frederic Bastiat… read more
What An Undefeated Samurai Warrior Had To Say About Life And Combat
The Book Of Five Rings was written in 17th century Japan by a samurai warrior. He shares the fighting techniques and belief system that resulted in him never losing a… read more
31 Pieces Of Wisdom From Balthasar Gracian
The Art of Worldly Wisdom is a 17th century book of maxims written by a Spanish rector of the Catholic Church. It was innovative at the time for being one… read more
Homage To Catalonia
The Spanish Civil War was a confusing war. On one side you had the Republic, represented by a hodge-podge of leftist unions and political groups, and on the other side… read more
Building A Bridge To The 18th Century
First, I must admit that I’m a fan of Neil Postman, the late American cultural thinker. I recommend his book Amusing Ourselves To Death if you want to understand the… read more
The Warsaw Rising
This history book recounts World War 2 from the Polish perspective, centered around the Warsaw Uprising (not to be confused with the Jewish Uprising) that occured towards the end of… read more
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