Brothers Grimm
Remaking the princess, evicting the prince.
Disney has a new television program about a young princess in training titled Sofia The First. Nancy Kanter (Senior Vice President, Original Programming and General Manager, Disney Junior Worldwide) explained… read more
The Widow’s Two Daughters.
Another Grimm tale, this one translated by MRS. H. B. PAULL and published by Fredrick Warne & Co London circa 1885. To my knowledge this is no longer under copyright. … read more
The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
I haven’t done a Brothers Grimm post in over a year; starting with this post I intend to rectify that. One of the common themes in the Grimm tales is… read more
The Three Lazy Ones
I haven’t done a Brothers Grimm post in a while, and I don’t have time today to write up some of the other posts I have in mind. Today’s tale… read more
The crumbs on the table
My recent post on Match.com selling divorce to married women in their 40s reminded me of this Brothers Grimm tale. If you prefer it with chickens instead of puppies, there… read more
Sharing Joy and Sorrow
I haven’t done a Brothers Grimm post in a good while, so I thought I would share this one. Like the last one, it is short enough that it doesn’t… read more
Brothers Grimm: The Willful Child.
I misunderstood this one at first, until my wife pointed me in the right direction. The Willful Child: Once upon a time there was a child who was willful and… read more
Brothers Grimm: Man up!
The two previous Brothers Grimm tales we have explored had young women as main characters and stressed the importance of hard work and humility. Today’s tale is titled The youth… read more
Women’s expectations in marriage.
I found the following video about men’s and women’s expectations regarding marriage on the blog What Men Are Saying About Women Sex Differences: Why Won’t Men Commit? Not a bad… read more
Brothers Grimm Marry Him
Long before Lori Gottlieb wrote her famous book, indeed long before the Brothers Grimm wrote this tale down, German parents were warning their daughters about the danger of becoming overly… read more
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