Business Insider
Duluth worked even better than I expected.
The Miami Herald reports that the woman in the viral video wasn’t arrested or charged. From Woman smashes husband with laptop on plane, video shows: The woman was not arrested. According… read more
The one obstacle she can’t remove.
Shana Lebowitz at Business Insider writes that the problem with marriage is that it is so terribly permanent: …I was left worriedly wondering: Is it possible that a couple can… read more
UK Millennial men earning like women.
Lianna Brinded at Business Insider notes that weak men are screwing feminism up: The gender pay gap is narrowing for millennials — ‘but for the wrong reasons’ Millennial men have… read more
Nasty Gal’s nasty woman problem.
In Hillary’s nasty woman brigade I quoted from an opinion piece in Business Insider about ugly feminists embracing the term “nasty woman”. Since Trump made that statement, women around the… read more
Single men with jobs are becoming a scarce commodity.
The new Pew study has gotten a great deal of attention. Suddenly everyone is noticing that as women continue to delay marriage their prospects are getting less rosy. One finding… read more
ROCD: A clinical case of the Whispers.
Business Insider has a new article today titled How To Know If You Have The New Condition Called ‘Relationship OCD’. The article suggests the problem is rare, but what they are describing sounds… read more
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