Cafe Mom
Empowerment turned demotion.
Blogger Michele Zipp at Cafe Mom confirms the status marker marriage serves for women in 5 Reasons ‘Boyfriend’ Is the Worst Word for Divorcees: 3. It feels like a demotion. The… read more
Haunted by a number
The Frisky has a piece up where the author complains about slutshaming herself titled: I Lied To My Gynecologist About My Number Of Sexual Partners. I didn’t think I… read more
The normalization of the trashy single mother.
With the exception of widows, single mothers have traditionally faced strong social stigma. Feminists have made removing this stigma a priority as it is essential in order to free women… read more
Which is worse, jilting at the altar or walking out on a marriage?
There is a story in the news about a bride to be whose fiancé called off the engagement just days before the wedding. She is suing him for just under… read more
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