Cane Caldo
Bnonn, Pastor Foster, and the power of women.
Reader 7817 shared what I believe to be a newsletter from Bnonn and Pastor Foster. Whoever is the author, they mistakenly claim that women are powerless to create patriarchy (emphasis… read more
White knights vs churls.
Cane Caldo described the difference between white knights and churls in the discussion of Call me unchivalrous: Proverbs 30:29-31 (ESV) 29 Three things are stately in their tread; four are stately… read more
Headship sleight of hand
Cane Caldo explains in I Am Not Called to “Lead” in the Bible: Our age’s focus on a husband’s leadership is a clever redirect away from the Biblical command for… read more
An unshakable faith in men’s benevolence. An inexhaustible supply of good will from men.
Feminism is ironically founded on an unshakable faith in the benevolence of men. This is implicit in (as just one example*) the whole complaint about “rape culture”. Feminists have faith… read more
*Real men* confess their love to the gas station attendant.
Cane Caldo notes: The rebuttals here are hilarious, and fall into two camps. 1. To some people the idea of “man pursues, woman responds” is so important to the arguer… read more
A challenge to traditionalists.
Commenter thedeti wrote in response to A shortage doesn’t indicate a buyer’s market. I seem to remember Cane Caldo saying something like this. I had Cane’s comments in mind when I wrote… read more
Harkening back to the golden age.
Cane Caldo hilariously describes Pastor Doug Wilson’s new post Masculinity without Permission.* Even when he tries to avoid blaming men–for one post!–he has to caveat that he would really rather… read more
Self inflicted reframe.
BillyS noted in response to Leading *is* serving that Christ only washed his disciples’ feet once: …Jesus washed their feet once, not throughout His time on the earth! Cane Caldo… read more
How things work.
One of Cane Caldo’s readers suggested that feminists are likely to complain that he hasn’t made his case regarding the term bastard with sufficient detail. Cane responded: I can live… read more
Turning the hearts of children from their fathers.
5“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 6And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and… read more
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