Cane Caldo
Cane Caldo and the Natural Law of Pants
Cane Caldo nails it in But Pants Aren’t in the Bible! The fundamental issue of restricting men’s clothes from women is about whether or not it is acceptable for men… read more
Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015
Novaseeker found an excellent chart over at Reddit. It isn’t my chart to share, so I won’t publish it here. However, you can see it at the link. Some quick… read more
Boldly inoffensive.
Note: This started as a comment on Cane Caldo’s blog, and has been slightly cleaned up and modified into post form. In Real Men Don’t Impede Her Desires, Cane Caldo… read more
Two additions to the men’s sphere lexicon.
Cane Caldo coined a hilarious term in his comment on Submission with a twist, and denying rebellion. A concubine is a committed slave who may not leave without her master’s… read more
Christian goddess worship; we are not worthy!
The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, 2 Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. 3 Then I… read more
We’re the real feminists.
The thing that struck me the most about Texas politics after moving to the state is that Democrats focus the bulk of their efforts on convincing Texas voters that they… read more
Glorious Feminist Progress!
Cane Caldo argues in The War Conservatives Never Knew They Lost: It would be more true to say that those we call Liberals were fighting to occupy Conservatism, and that’s… read more
Black Fathers [Don’t] Matter.
With the riots in Baltimore one of the issues being discussed is the breakdown of the Black family. Phillip Bump at the Washington Post tackles this very question in Rand Paul cites… read more
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