Cane Caldo
Turning a blind eye.
As I explained in my last post, there are powerful incentives for Christian men to turn a blind eye to the sins of women. As we saw previously, Glenn Stanton… read more
These fathers need a wake-up call.
Christian movie makers are tired of sitting on the sidelines while the popular culture destroys the family. Why can’t they get in on the action too? See Cane Caldo’s expert… read more
Cane drives it home.
Check out Cane Caldo’s excellent post on the topic of young women finding a husband. Neither Saved Nor Spent, But Invested read more
Soothing words for the unrepentant baby mama.
Christian mommyblogger Jenny Erikson is furious that her pastor first ruined the surprise she had in store for her husband and then called her out on her sin, but she is understandably… read more
Aren’t you sure?
Cane Caldo discusses the issue of mandatory paternity testing in his post Paternity and Bats in Oz. Given the controversy around mandatory paternity testing I propose what should be an… read more
First linkage of the new year.
Linkage #1: I imagine Tacomaster has already received more than his fill of advice by now, but after I gave my own response I asked Cane Caldo if he would… read more
Cypher’s Problem
In his post Why Christians Need Game, Dalrock states the case thus: Christians need game because: 1. Abandoning the biblical frame of marriage kills the attraction wives feel for their… read more
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