Captain Capitalism
Hiring as courtship.
Several years ago Captain Capitalism first made the observation that many women in HR act more like they are looking for a boyfriend than looking for professional talent. The Daily Mail has… read more
The Great Douchebag Mystery
Vice.com has a piece up titled How Sad Young Douchebags Took Over Modern Britain (H/T Captain Capitalism). In the piece the author struggles to identify why the culture of young men has… read more
Is there a “shortage” of single fathers?
Captain Capitalism found an article on eHarmony titled 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom. The fifteen reasons boil down to various ways of stating that single moms are easy, they… read more
More on Liz Jones
Liz Jones is the well known columnist whom I referenced in the opening segment of my last post. I thought I’d follow up with some links. Captain Capitalism wrote a… read more
First linkage of the new year.
Linkage #1: I imagine Tacomaster has already received more than his fill of advice by now, but after I gave my own response I asked Cane Caldo if he would… read more
Two years, two million hits, and a Ph.D in Red Pill Pharmacy
I started this blog on Father’s Day in 2010, with no idea of what was ahead. My hope then was the same as my hope now, to influence the conversation. … read more
Help the Captain support Glenn Grothman
The good Captain has put out a call for help. I’m admittedly late in responding to this, but he assures me that it isn’t too late for our voices to… read more
Check out Captain Capitalism’s new book on picking a college major.
My good friend the Captain has a new book out. The cover image alone makes it a win: It is available in paperback and kindle formats. Check it out. It… read more
Boundless is their foolishness.
Captain Capitalism has a post up on a topic I have been mulling over. The post is titled The Lord Will Not Provide and refers to a post on Boundless… read more
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