Captain Capitalism
Sudden outbreak of patriarchy in the occupy wallstreet camp.
Several readers have pointed out the news stories on the woman who has ditched her roles as wife and mother for the excitement of tramping around in the Occupy Wall… read more
Dragging your kids throught the meat grinder; practice makes perfect!
Captain Capitalism has a new post titled The Arrogance of Divorcées about a woman named Cherie Bowser who is offering advice on the best way to drag your innocent kids… read more
Can you help the Captain out?
Captain Capitalism has sent out a request for help: The Captain is being held hostage. He will not be released, and therefore not be able to make any new posts,… read more
Top 10 most annoying parents
Dr Helen (here and here) and Captain Capitalism both have recent posts on parents being incensed when their poorly behaved children aren’t welcome. They have inspired me to write my… read more
Why China has to buy US debt
Captain Capitalism linked to an article on CNBC the other day titled US Image in China Already Tarnished by Debt Fight. The basic premise of this article and countless others… read more
Reverse cuckoldry and court ordered allowances for adults living with their parents.
Captain Capitalism linked earlier this week to an infuriating story in the daily mail. The astonishing story begins in 1999 when the man was about to have drug treatment for… read more
Women with plenty of time to think about how men should treat them.
I wrote this as a comment on the good Captain’s site, but since it is stuck in moderation I thought I would share it here as well. In the Captain’s… read more
Corollary to Dalrock’s Law; The Law of Rationalization Hamster Strength.
Reading Ms. Berry’s descriptive essay on Salon has moved Captain Capitalism to wax romantic. Coming soon to a bookstore near you: “I looked at her…my beautiful economics professor. Oh sure,… read more
Captain Capitalism for President!
Captain Capitalism addressed our current economic malaise in his recent post Economic Fail of the Century. As some of you are aware, the price of oil has become somewhat pricey… read more
Thanks for getting the word out!
I wanted to thank all of the bloggers by name who assisted in getting the word out on the Match.com series Single in the Suburbs. Even though google is now… read more
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