Cartoonish Chivalry
Romance is sexual.
Boxer astutely notes (emphasis mine): Some of you guys are assuming something salacious in these inappropriate father-daughter relationships, but it’s not necessary for the father and daughter to have physical… read more
Scaring away the competition
Scott at American Dad has an excellent new post: Cartoonish Chivalry hurts daughters Scott is responding to the popular meme on social media of fathers trying to scare young men… read more
God’s Drill Instructors (language warning)
Conservative Christians are facing a masculinity crisis. The traditional/biblical roles of men are no longer palatable in our feminist era. Yet part of being conservative/complementarian means stressing the difference between… read more
Do as you please with their wives, so long as you respect her in the morning.
It has been telling that Republican outrage over the audio of Trump describing his attempt to cuckold other men is almost entirely focused on the fact that Trump spoke crudely… read more
She isn’t impressed.
Drudge has a link to a story about a Texas man on vacation in Tennessee who called 911 after his wife was squirted with water by a Hibachi chef (as… read more
The ultimate affront to cartoonish chivalry.
It is bad enough that we force women to join and even lead our military in the real world, but this has gone too far: read more
Ye shall know them by their cartoonish chivalry.
As complementarian women continue to push the feminist envelope, complementarian men are forced to ramp up their non-threatening imitation masculinity. Ladies, if you want your Christian feminist rebellion to come… read more
Sunday Morning Cartoons
In a previous post I introduced the term cartoonish chivalry. Today I want to explain it a bit further, and at the same time explain why we see so much… read more
Mad Dog Chandler
One of the more striking aspects of complementarianism is the over the top cartoonish chivalry. This in turn derives from a caricature of masculinity which is hyper violent (to men)… read more
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