Cheryl Strayed
A god we must obey.
14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and… read more
Will Wilcox and the men of National Review respect you in the morning?
Over the last year or so there has been a concerted effort by men associated with National Review to woo men into marriage. The most recent example of this is… read more
Too ugly to empower
Back in July I predicted that the (then) up and coming divorce fantasy movie Wild would not have the kind of success Eat Pray Love had back in 2010. A good divorce… read more
A bridge too far.
The Dalrock research department* brought the latest divorce empowerment movie to my attention: My first thought was that we are due for another epic divorce fantasy (courtesy of Oprah of… read more
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