Child Custody
You better do as she says, or she’ll take away your kids.
In response to A dangerous truth, commenter Anonymous Reader challenged my assertion that as a sociology professor, Wilcox had to understand that there are public policy reasons fathers are being… read more
A dangerous truth.
The Institute for Family Studies has an essay by Professor W. Bradford Wilcox, titled Marriage Facilitates Responsible Fatherhood. According to the editor’s note the essay is an abbreviated version of… read more
Should we fine tune our replacement of marriage?
Workingmother.com has a post up about the question of whether men should be able to legally opt out of fatherhood: The woman said the idea came from a friend—a woman… read more
“Quality Time”
The Other McCain writes about the history of the term quality time in Living Well Is the Best Revenge: The cliché of “quality time” was invented by Baby Boomer yuppies… read more
Our family policy is designed to terrify married fathers.
While the claim is that our family courts are primarily driven by the best interest of children, in reality they tend to focus instead on transferring power and wealth from… read more
Updated U.S. Custody and Child Support Data (2015)
It has been over five years since I’ve posted new data on this, so I found the latest publication of Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support (cached) from the… read more
Why doesn’t this 28 year old manboy want to become respectable?
The Daily Mail has a new article about a 28 year old man who doesn’t want to grow up and start a family of his own. Instead, he chooses to… read more
What about the fathers?
Last year Kathryn Edin wrote in The Shriver Report about low income single fathers, in a piece titled What About the Fathers? She thought she knew all about these men,… read more
A bit of data on Black children living with their fathers.
As I explained in Black Fathers [Don’t] Matter, the official data on intact families is problematic because both HHS and the US Census are all too eager to count any man mom… read more
Hey, that’s *our* trick!
Friday afternoon light reading, courtesy of the Dalrock Research Dept. Mommyish has a post about Nick Loeb’s Op Ed piece at the NYT. Loeb wants custody of the frozen embryos… read more
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