Child Custody
Black Fathers [Don’t] Matter.
With the riots in Baltimore one of the issues being discussed is the breakdown of the Black family. Phillip Bump at the Washington Post tackles this very question in Rand Paul cites… read more
On exceptions and rules.
Dr. Helen kindly linked to my previous post in: Is Imprisoning Men for Child Support a Way for the Government to Destroy Traditional Marriage? In the discussion of her post I… read more
Debtors prisons are an essential tool of our new public policy.
Earlier this month Christopher Mathias at Huffington Post connected the Walter Scott case to our new family model in: One-Eighth Of South Carolina Inmates Were Jailed Over Child Support Payments…. read more
Why isn’t Carl good enough?
I’ve joked in the past that it can be impossible to tell the difference between Traditional Conservatives and Feminists, but a Slate DoubleX article on women deliberately choosing single motherhood quoted by Steve… read more
Father Hood
Commenter AlanB at Gucci Little Piggy describes the ghetto version of what I outlined in Intrasexual Competition and the Strong Independent Woman. The following are excerpts from the first of several… read more
Child support and the threat point.
In the discussion of a recent post the history of the term “threat point” came up. While I’ve used the term and explained how the family courts are being deliberately… read more
Is there a “shortage” of single fathers?
Captain Capitalism found an article on eHarmony titled 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom. The fifteen reasons boil down to various ways of stating that single moms are easy, they… read more
The crazy dictator.
My wife and I watched a movie titled Joshua a while back (plot spoiler alert). We ended up fast forwarding the second half of the film just to see how… read more
Is Europe proof that intact families don’t really matter?
Introverted Playboy made the following statement over at Just Four Guys as part of a larger argument that marriage no longer matters: European countries today have even lower marriage rates than the US…. read more
Asking the wrong question.
Dr. Helen links to a blog post by Neo-Neocon titled: Should men* be allowed to opt out of child support? As one of the commenters on Dr. Helen’s site points… read more
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