Child Custody
She was used!
Right in line with my last post, tabloid magazine In Touch and the Christian Post decry Kanye West’s failure to marry two time divorcée and soon to be baby mama… read more
How we came to embrace illegitimacy.
Some time in the 60s and 70s something let the illegitimacy genie out of the bottle in the US. In the early 1960s we went from out of wedlock birth… read more
Why aren’t men responding to economic signals?
I think the greatest, most astonishing fact that I am aware of in social science right now is that women have been able to hear the labor market screaming out… read more
Did the last decade prove that gay marriage isn’t really a problem?
Ross Douthat with the New York Times notes that David Frum has changed his position on gay marriage after concluding: If people like me had been right, we should have… read more
Single mothers and the failure of Christian men; it is time to Man Up!
I pointed out in Light years closer to God that Christian men are failing women, and the primary failure is their unwillingness to confront the mass feminist rebellion. As a man calling… read more
Selling divorce to children
Time magazine has a piece on Sesame Street selling divorce to children: D Is for Divorce: Sesame Street Tackles Another Touchy Topic. The article describes Sesame Street’s first attempt back… read more
Lowering the boom, a testimonial.
Previously I shared Joel and Kathy Davisson’s message that a wife who is unhappy has an obligation to God to lower the boom and crush her husband with the family court. … read more
Let them eat cake.
Let them pay child support. There is at the very least much controversy regarding who (if anyone) actually said the famous line attributed to Marie Antoinette. However, regardless of the… read more
Custody Demographics
I was curious about the demographics of family structure so I put together some more charts from the same data set as the last post. I’ve created two charts for… read more
Children are as likely to end up living with neither parent as they are with just their father.
The Census has the 2012 Families and Living Arrangements data out so I pulled a copy of Table C3. Here is the latest data on the living arrangements of children… read more
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