Child Custody
Hussygate, a manosphere special.
Drudge has been headlining the unfolding scandal surrounding General Petraeus, and there are so many manosphere related angles it is fascinating. Rollo has accurately described Patraeus as beta, but for… read more
An adaptive strategy for furthering the family line.
Some have noted that fathers have begun treating their daughters as if they were sons, as this US Army commercial demonstrates: However, a more rational approach would be to decide… read more
She’s the victim
Commenter Feminist Hater posted a link to a recent Daily Mail article: Half of women delay starting a family because they don’t want to give up their freedom. What struck… read more
Will betas shrug?
The only way most men were kept in line, marching off to their dreary jobs, was with a Noble Lie, that it would make them honoured as heads of houses…. read more
Is there a graphic artist in the house?
Reviewing the data on child support and the discussion which followed has me thinking we need an image to break through the frame that child support is only fair and… read more
Updated U.S. Custody and Child Support Data (2009)
Edit: For the latest data, see this post. This is an update of the data I posted in August last year. See the previous page for details on where the… read more
Godly unashamed unwed mothers.
The contrast between how modern Christians treat good faithful fathers and unrepentant unwed mothers is truly astounding. For the latest installment of this, I offer you the CBN.com (Christian Broadcasting… read more
Bargaining in the shadow of the law.
One common bit of misdirection I see when the issue of unfairness in the divorce/custody process is discussed is the argument that men are voluntarily agreeing to the terms. How… read more
Blowing the Whistle on the Domestic Violence Research Paradigm
This paper may already have made its rounds through the manosphere, but I stumbled onto it a few months back and I think it is very much worth sharing here. … read more
The economics of divorce theft and exploitation, and why we should repeal unilateral no fault divorce.
Divorce theft is a common term in the manosphere, but I have noticed that there is some skepticism amongst our feminist guests on this concept (who often use the term… read more
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