Child Support
Incentives matter.
From the Daily Mail: ‘Child support is 18 years of easy money’: Women reveal the REAL reasons why they’ve lied about being on the Pill – and many DON’T regret what… read more
Dodgy data.
In my last post I quoted the NY Post/AP article on the number of women who are getting alimony: How many people get alimony anyway? Government statistics vary. The Census… read more
Women hardest hit.
One of the changes in the new tax law involves the tax status of alimony. Previously the payor (men) could deduct the money they pay in alimony, and the payee… read more
Let them become elite.
The New York Times has made a stir with How Did Marriage Become a Mark of Privilege? Marriage, which used to be the default way to form a family in… read more
Dispatch from the friend zone.
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has been getting mocked for a series of tweets criticizing millennials: Our smartphone culture impacts young men in the most profound way. It is often younger… read more
Will more sex save Spain?
News.com.au posted an article last week about Spain’s insane laws on parental obligations, titled Country where unemployed 30-year-olds are suing their parents for financial support: Under Spanish law, parents are… read more
Someone tell Gilligan.
From our local DFW channel 8 news: Suspected gunman who shot Dallas firefighter had long rap sheet (emphasis mine): WFAA talked to family members and learned Brown is the father… read more
Father Roulette
A German judge has coined a brilliant term for the new family model we have adopted to replace marriage: father roulette. From the Daily Mail German woman loses legal bid… read more
A cold calculation.
Child support is the answer to the question “How shall we replace the nuclear family”? This much is axiomatic, with the only question being how many nuclear families we want… read more
The mysterious male marriage premium.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit explains why he left big law: …I looked at the partners and their lives and thought, “this is what it looks like when you win?” But… read more
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