Child Support
Entropy and the pumps.
Blue Pill Professor asked: In short, I think the efforts to destabilize marriage and family are so broad reaching that saying “remove the effort has little meaning.” Remove what? Movies,… read more
Why doesn’t this 28 year old manboy want to become respectable?
The Daily Mail has a new article about a 28 year old man who doesn’t want to grow up and start a family of his own. Instead, he chooses to… read more
Don’t fear marriage and fatherhood, but beware those who are working to destroy your family.
Matt Walsh has a new post up at the Blaze*: Dear Millennial Men, Don’t Be Afraid of Marriage And Fatherhood. Walsh makes some good points. He notes that marriage isn’t… read more
Why didn’t He think of that?
Just before Naghmeh Sabedini reiterated her charges of abuse against her persecuted husband, Christian Today published: Why evangelicals pray for persecuted pastors rather than battered women.* Ed Cyzewski explains that… read more
What about the fathers?
Last year Kathryn Edin wrote in The Shriver Report about low income single fathers, in a piece titled What About the Fathers? She thought she knew all about these men,… read more
Commitment issues
Dr. Harley explains in Why Women Leave Men* that women have commitment issues: Why do women seem so dissatisfied with marriage? What do they want from their husbands? What bothers them… read more
Hey, that’s *our* trick!
Friday afternoon light reading, courtesy of the Dalrock Research Dept. Mommyish has a post about Nick Loeb’s Op Ed piece at the NYT. Loeb wants custody of the frozen embryos… read more
On exceptions and rules.
Dr. Helen kindly linked to my previous post in: Is Imprisoning Men for Child Support a Way for the Government to Destroy Traditional Marriage? In the discussion of her post I… read more
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