Why Game is a threat to our values.
Chances are you’ve heard of a concept called “Game”, and if you are like most people you suspect this concept poses a dire threat to our most cherished values. These… read more
Feminism + Chivalry = Modern Conservative
David Marcus has a new post up at The Federalist demonstrating that modern conservativism is feminism with a chivalrous cherry on top. From We Must Still Keep Teaching Our Boys They… read more
Devouring a lifetime of courtship.
I’ve written in the past about women’s complaints that men aren’t meeting their expectations for courtship, and why it is entirely rational for men to either withdraw from traditional courtship… read more
A tough spot for conservatives.
DC McAllister at PJ Media wrote a post arguing that Special K’s marketing campaign encouraging girls to play football is hurting women. Her first argument is that men, and young… read more
Why Dave is sexy (language warning).
Bustle has an article by Emma Lord about a Reddit post making the rounds: “Dave The Period Fairy” Has Become A Viral Sensation After A Woman Shared A Nightmare Hiking… read more
She’s got balls.
Via Drudge, a tragic story from the local CBS station in Chicago: Family Attacked By Teens Who Cut In Line At Six Flags “Fright Fest” The melee started about 8:45… read more
Cheapening seduction.
The Angry Therapist wants kids these days to get off his lawn*, and bang hos the right way. When you bang a ho, treat her like a lady: When I… read more
Wilson, Lewis, and Pseudo-Christian Pedestalization Game
As I mentioned in my previous post, Pastor Doug Wilson’s reply to critics of his 21 Theses on Submission in Marriage is titled: And Now a Brief Word for the… read more
Cucked by Courtly Love.
Cuckoo’s are diabolical parasites. The video below shows what happens after a cuckoo egg is laid in a Warbler’s nest. The cuckoo chick ejects the real offspring so it… read more
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