Sunday Morning Cartoons
In a previous post I introduced the term cartoonish chivalry. Today I want to explain it a bit further, and at the same time explain why we see so much… read more
Piper’s debilitating fear of saying “no” to women.
John Piper wrote in Co-ed Combat and Cultural Cowardice: If I were the last man on the planet to think so, I would want the honor of saying no woman… read more
Mad Dog Chandler
One of the more striking aspects of complementarianism is the over the top cartoonish chivalry. This in turn derives from a caricature of masculinity which is hyper violent (to men)… read more
“I have always depended on the sexual kindness of strangers.”
Tracy “Hot Farts” Moore at Jezebel asks How Can We Make Casual Sex Better For Women? (language warning) Anyone who has embarked on a first-time hookup with a man knows… read more
Real men don’t just carry purses, they restock them too.
A teenage boy’s supplicating instagram post has gone viral, and is upping the ante for servant leaders everywhere. TO EVERY BOY THAT FOLLOWS ME AND CALLS HIMSELF A MAN OR SIMPLY… read more
Real men don’t hold purses–unless their wife tells them to.
Barnabas pointed out a sermon by Pastor Jason Meyer titled Fooled by False Leadership. In the sermon Paster Meyer offers an example of “Servant Leadership”, a modern Christian term numerous… read more
Ms. Chivalry
Ying Ma bemoans the loss of chivalry in Men Who Don’t Pay (H/T Instapundit): We live in a society where lots of men do not pay. Not only do they… read more
She would beat you up, but her mom is calling.
Female UFC fighter Ronda Rousey has caused a stir with her boasting that there isn’t a man in the UFC in her weight class she couldn’t beat: I never say that… read more
Full of sound and fury.
Mommyish has a post by a woman* who complains about all of the nice things people do for her. This kind of feminist ugliness is pretty standard stuff, but her explanation of why… read more
A modern day Cyrano for a modern day Roxane.
H/T Private Man LSFW Related: The Great Douchebag Mystery The Bard’s Betas read more
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