How men could make themselves useful to Katarina Kroslakova.
How could you make yourself more useful to Katarina Kroslakova while she is traveling on business? Katarina spells it out: Quit hitting on me and help me out Has anyone… read more
The elevation of romantic love and the wisdom of a beta orbiter.
Since my last post I’ve poked around a bit on James Russell Lingerfelt’s blog love story from the male perspective. The title of the blog itself gives a great deal away,… read more
A proper dressing down for unchivalrous men.
Somewhere in the world a woman is upset! What are you as lazy men doing to fix this? Sorry for being so harsh, but you men need to hear this. … read more
What we need is more chivalry!
Brendan/Novaseeker made an insightful comment a while back describing what he sees as the core disagreement between the manosphere and non manosphere “traditionalists”: Actually I think the basis of it… read more
Modern day chivalry.
Sears Optical has a series of commercials where someone misunderstands what is going on because they need new glasses. The latest one I’ve seen is That’s a Mannequin, and has… read more
My comment to Zippy Catholic
Update: Zippy and I have agreed to disagree. Here is my most recent comment to Zippy at his site: Dalrock: I presume it is mutual that we are past the… read more
Psychoanalysis for me but not for thee
Update: Zippy and I have agreed to disagree. Here is my most recent comment to Zippy at his site: Dalrock: I presume it is mutual that we are past the… read more
Suzanne Venker on women’s rights, men’s responsibilities, and why she divorced her first husband.
Several fellow bloggers expressed concern in the comments section of my last post that I might be creating an enemy out of an ally. After all, in her opinion pieces… read more
Men make ultimate sacrifice; women and children hardest hit.
Sarah Boesveld of the Canadian National Post wrote an article commemorating the 100th anniversary of men standing aside and drowning so that women on the Titanic could enjoy additional leg… read more
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