Chivalry and protecting the weak.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. –Attributed to George Orwell Every time you engage in violence,… read more
Three Stooges Chivalry
See Also: Chivalry only comes from a position of strength. Chivalry on the Titanic. We are all chivalrous now. Chivalry and protecting the weak. read more
We are all chivalrous now.
One response I’ve noticed from many women when the topic of chivalry comes up is to suggest that chivalry isn’t really dead, it is simply a matter of gender neutral… read more
Chivalry only comes from a position of strength.
The concept of chivalry has been so twisted by feminists and their boot-licking white knight minions that it is difficult to even imagine that there might once have been a… read more
Chivalry on the Titanic
I’ve been thinking about chivalry lately, partly because of the focus this topic receives in the manosphere. Back in May grerp posted her take on chivalry (feminism killed it), and… read more
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