Killing her with chivalry.
Over at Instapundit there is an article/discussion offering chivalry as the antidote to feminist charges of toxic masculinity. Specifically, the article points to the men on the Titanic as the… read more
Chivalry and the kickass conservative gal.
While they may seem like an unlikely match at first, chivalry and the kickass conservative gal are a marriage made in modern conservative heaven. As commenter Mother_of_4_Original demonstrates in her response… read more
It would be unchivalrous to tell her no.
Pastor Tim Bayly shares a youtube video put out by the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in his post Try Saying “No.” I Dare You… Note that the woman speaking… read more
Jordan Peterson can’t handle the truth.
Jordan Peterson tries to morally condemn pickup artists without condemning fornication: Peterson ends up twisting himself in knots, so it is possible that he had something profound in mind but… read more
Rules for dating the candidate’s daughter.
Kemp is running for Governor in Georgia, but I think the same message would go over well in Texas. H/T Cane Caldo read more
Shame on him who thinks evil of it.
The Daily Mail has a new article up naming and shaming a young man who is accused* of privately telling his (then) girlfriend the dress she bought was too slutty:… read more
Modern Christian teachers of the lesson in The Wedding of Sir Gawain.
In The Wedding of Sir Gawain we learn that what women want is sovereynté (control). If a husband loves his wife, he will grant her the sovereynté that she covets. As a… read more
Headship is unchivalrous.
Last week I shared the tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Today I’ll share the tale of The Wedding of Sir Gawain. I fear that fans of last… read more
The moral of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Tucson Traditionalist objects to me including the tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with the tradition of courtly love: It’s a mistake to cite the case of Gawain… read more
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
When I first started blogging one regular criticism I received from traditional conservatives (especially when writing about Game) was that I was killing chivalry. For the most part I disregarded… read more
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