Choice Addiction
Andi does Melbourne?
From The Sun: I swiped through so many men on Tinder I was told there were NO matches left – and I’m still single Andi Lew, 46 – a wellness… read more
What could possibly go wrong?
I offered this as a comment over at Instapundit, in response to a post on the impending sexbot revolution. Time is the modern woman’s real enemy here, with technology merely… read more
Fighting choice addiction.
To my future husband: I know you will be worth the wait! — Wendy Griffith, Age 53* Choice addiction is part intoxication with the process of judging suitors, and part… read more
Someday we’ll laugh!
Commenter Ofelas pointed out the absurdity of the main character in Cat Person imagining how much a future boyfriend would enjoy hearing about her having sex with other men: …she… read more
Something wrong with the sluice box?
Strip mining for men. From our friends at the Daily Mail*: Too picky or just unlucky? Woman who rates every man she meets on a SPREADSHEET says she’s been on… read more
A disappointing return to the strip mining pit.
The Daily Mail has an article about a 53 year old new divorcée named “Claire” who learned the hard way that her fantasy of divorce empowerment was just a fantasy. … read more
Jane’s noble path to marriage.
Seriouslypleasedropit comments on Most men are not afraid of commitment: Bob and Jane have some sort of prelude romance and move in together. Either because Bob is just that cool,… read more
All men’s fault
The Daily Mail has a new piece titled The women who haven’t had sex for more than a decade: What it’s like to be celibate and why it’s all men’s… read more
Broken Premisses
Several of the commenters on Don’t play hard to get argued that Robert Stacy McCain and I aren’t really in disagreement regarding the post that I responded to. While we… read more
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