Choice Addiction
Don’t play hard to get.
Robert Stacy McCain gets close, but misses the fact that women’s sexual impulses are no more naturally “pure” than men’s sexual impulses. What feminist ideology tells young women they should… read more
Commitment issues.
The dominant, unchallenged narrative is that men have problems with commitment, while women are naturally inclined to commit for life. Yet the difference between the dominant narrative and reality couldn’t be… read more
One at a time, please.
Aside from our inverting the roles of romantic love and marriage, another striking feature of our new view of sexual morality is the embrace of serial monogamy as the pinnacle… read more
A bridge too far.
The Dalrock research department* brought the latest divorce empowerment movie to my attention: My first thought was that we are due for another epic divorce fantasy (courtesy of Oprah of… read more
ROCD: A clinical case of the Whispers.
Business Insider has a new article today titled How To Know If You Have The New Condition Called ‘Relationship OCD’. The article suggests the problem is rare, but what they are describing sounds… read more
Dude, where’s my courtship?
She’s still her same fabulous self, but the edgy and exciting men are no longer magically appearing to take her out. Clearly this is Amazon.com’s fault. Do you know any… read more
Rationalizing sluttery as a path to marriage.
Meet Kristina from Rolling Stone’s Tales From the Millennials’ Sexual Revolution: …she doesn’t want to date; she wants to have sex, which thanks to the fact that she is cute and… read more
Their open marriages are threatening her serial monogamy.
Jenny Erikson worries that some parents aren’t doing promiscuity the right way, and as a result they are creating the wrong kind of chaos for their children: Of course promises get… read more
Hold my beer
and watch this. Note the “like” counts for Proud Single Moms and I Love My Husband at the bottom of the article. Edit: The counts appear to be cumulative for the… read more
How should women respond to men withdrawing from courtship?
In my last post I explained why it makes logical sense for men to greatly limit the amount of “courtship” they offer women in today’s post sexual revolution sexual and… read more
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