Choice Addiction
Why men are withdrawing from courtship.
One of the more common refrains in the “Where have all of the good men gone!” lament is men’s increasing unwillingness to court women the way women expect to be… read more
Is there a “shortage” of single fathers?
Captain Capitalism found an article on eHarmony titled 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom. The fifteen reasons boil down to various ways of stating that single moms are easy, they… read more
The elevation of romantic love and the wisdom of a beta orbiter.
Since my last post I’ve poked around a bit on James Russell Lingerfelt’s blog love story from the male perspective. The title of the blog itself gives a great deal away,… read more
Empowerment turned demotion.
Blogger Michele Zipp at Cafe Mom confirms the status marker marriage serves for women in 5 Reasons ‘Boyfriend’ Is the Worst Word for Divorcees: 3. It feels like a demotion. The… read more
Option A or option B?
When preparing for my last post I came across an interview of Kate Bolick by Edith Zimmerman at The Hairpin: Kate Bolick on Refusing to Settle (Part One). Zimmerman describes two options… read more
Women’s morphing need for male investment.
In a previous post I discussed the importance of male investment in women’s intrasexual status competition. This investment can range from the validation which comes from being selected for a… read more
She was used!
Right in line with my last post, tabloid magazine In Touch and the Christian Post decry Kanye West’s failure to marry two time divorcée and soon to be baby mama… read more
But we were in love!
As I mentioned in Lovestruck, once you recognize the modern inversion of the moral relationship between romantic love, sex, and marriage you will begin to see this everywhere. A while… read more
Started with a bang, ended with a whimper
In This won’t end well I explained the seeming contradiction between Hanna Rosin’s assertion that women chose the hookup culture because they found it empowering, and Leslie Bell’s observation that… read more
Another crack in the narrative
NY Magazine’s The Cut has a new article out on a topic which is rapidly making the rounds: Meet the SWUGs of Yale: Women ‘Washed Up’ at 21 The striking… read more
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