Choice Addiction
Haunted by a number
The Frisky has a piece up where the author complains about slutshaming herself titled: I Lied To My Gynecologist About My Number Of Sexual Partners. I didn’t think I… read more
This won’t end well.
The Atlantic has a piece out by Leslie C. Bell titled Women in Their 20s Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Wanting a Boyfriend (H/T Free Northerner). Ms. Bell takes issue with Hanna… read more
The morality of marriage 2.0
I commit to you! Now I commit to you! Now I commit to you! “Clue” on Yahoo Answers asks: Is it considered cheating if I divorce my husband to date… read more
The Book of Oprah
Note: This post contains Fireproof plot spoilers. Previously I’ve written that most churches speak like Christ and act like Oprah when it comes to divorce. The reality is even worse… read more
How Fireproof lowers the boom.
Several commenters to my post Lowering the boom asked if I could elaborate on my statement that what Joel and Kathy were describing was actually the plot of the movie Fireproof. … read more
Feral love
Sex is for love! — Vince Vaughn’s character lecturing his slutty daughter in The Watch The modern elevation of unconstrained romantic love to something pure, transcendental, wise, and moral is… read more
Children are as likely to end up living with neither parent as they are with just their father.
The Census has the 2012 Families and Living Arrangements data out so I pulled a copy of Table C3. Here is the latest data on the living arrangements of children… read more
A secret the KGB couldn’t have kept.
On my last post the discussion turned to how likely the average man was to have learned about the mechanics of sexual attraction. TFH argued that the time is approaching… read more
Harming your kids for attention and profit.
Not all women are cut out to be professional divorcées. While she may lack talent and want to be a writer, a woman may find she never pretended to make… read more
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