Christian Films
The Christian alternative to 50 Shades Of Grey.
It is hard to tell for sure from the trailer, but hopefully this isn’t selling the message: Man up and marry that free spirit. Either way, at least it doesn’t appear… read more
These fathers need a wake-up call.
Christian movie makers are tired of sitting on the sidelines while the popular culture destroys the family. Why can’t they get in on the action too? See Cane Caldo’s expert… read more
How her affair and the Book of Oprah fixed their marriage and brought them closer to God.
From the DFW megachurch that brought us the man site, I present ReEngage. If Fireproof didn’t make you a believer*, the video here will. There is of course a twist;… read more
Stiff competition.
The competition for the title of the Christian Manosphere’s biggest cliché is heating up. Watch out Jenny Erikson, the upcoming movie Christian Mingle will be hard to beat: ‘Christian Mingle’ is… read more
Brilliant advertising.
Viva La Manosphere highlighted a Barbarossaa post today with a new (to me) man up video featuring Pastor Mark Driscoll and Bill Bennett. These guys are the all stars of the man… read more
How Fireproof lowers the boom.
Several commenters to my post Lowering the boom asked if I could elaborate on my statement that what Joel and Kathy were describing was actually the plot of the movie Fireproof. … read more
Last week I had a discussion with two Christian women on another blog about my criticism of the movie Fireproof in my post The endless courtship fantasy. The women took… read more
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