Christians washing their hands of sexual morality.
Commenter Drew was kind enough to propose that his church measure divorce, and reported back when he found himself at an impasse (emphasis mine): I suggested tracking the divorce rate… read more
The women at Christianforums are outraged!
You may recall the Christian forum I linked to in my post From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage. They are outraged that their private conversation on the… read more
Pathological denial
The interesting thing about so much of what we discuss in the manosphere is that while it is very often diametrically opposed to conventional wisdom, the data to back up… read more
From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage.
empathologicalism suggested that during my limited blogging time I consider posting on several old threads he linked to on Christianforums.com. I took a quick look at one of them (Is… read more
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