Church Apathy About Divorce
This means war.
A reader recently asked for my thoughts on the upcoming Kendrick brothers movie “War Room”. After doing some digging on the movie, my initial thought was of the line from the Tropic… read more
Stanton’s wake-up call.
Ballista74 shared a youtube video where Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family explains why marriage is important. The title of the video is “Marriage is a Feminist Institution”, and… read more
Selling sin.
Recently a self described conservative Christian mother of 5 came to scold me for criticizing the Christian Broadcasting Network’s endorsement of actress Janine Turner’s book praising single mothers: I encountered your blog… read more
The roots of marriage counseling.
Marcus D linked to a column by feminist and historian Rebecca Onion titled Lock up your wives! Advice columns from decades past provide a chilling glimpse into the horrors of… read more
Nowhere close to true.
I’ve done a bit more digging for the source of the data Shaunti Feldhahn shared in the articles promoting her book (see previous post). She mentions 2009 Census data, and I recalled… read more
Does Shaunti Feldhahn’s rosy divorce data prove that no fault divorce is working out pretty well after all?
A few weeks ago I asked why modern Christians are so delighted with current divorce rates. As I explained in the post, Shaunti Feldhahn has a new book* and multiple articles proclaiming… read more
Is God telling her to divorce?
A young woman turns to the experts at the Ask an Apologist section of Catholic Answers Forum to make sure an evil voice isn’t leading her to sin: Would our… read more
Is marriage just a piece of paper?
Empathologism has an excellent post up dissecting a FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey memo on marriage. See the link for Empath’s post and the ensuing discussion, but what struck me about the FamilyLife piece… read more
A husband’s plea to Catholic Answers Forum: Stop sowing discord in my house!
A little over a week ago a Catholic woman by the handle Be Courageous was disturbed that her husband wasn’t properly submitting to her headship, and decided to break out… read more
Worse than fear. Worse than malice.
In the discussion of my last post Gunner Q suggested that the reason modern Christians don’t support biblical marriage is due to fear: Perhaps the answer is that modern Christians just… read more
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